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Narelle Monteleone - Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Channel and Mentor is based in Sydney, Australia. Book a Session, Workshop, Class Course at


Writer's pictureNarelle Monteleone

Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities are something that everyone has whether they recognise it or not.

Everyone is Psychic, though some are using their abilities consciously and some are not. If you decide you are keen to learn more about how to access your psychic abilities then there are many avenues you can venture into, and through this article I hope to clear the pathway somewhat, and guide you to where you will find out more about your unique abilities without all the fear mongering information that one can stumble across once their intuitive interest is sparked.

Okay, so i'm speaking 100% from personal experience here as someone who has gone through what is known as a Spiritual Awakening and as a Teacher, Healer and Channel that has been learning, studying and experiencing what it is like to navigate the awakening process for myself and my clients for many years now.

Firstly, I don't feel it really ever ends, but changes and shifts along the way. We climb one mountain, only to realise there are many more waiting for us, but this is how we grow, learn and gain wisdom.

The first thing to acknowledge is that if you feel drawn to learn about Psychic Abilities then there is a reason and your soul is knocking on the door to remind you that you are here for a reason and that it's time to get moving toward realising your unique purpose. You might have more than one purpose and your purpose might be what propels you into something that changes the world, or you might simply be a light for one person. Whatever your purpose it is valuable - YOU are valuable and so much more than you could imagine, outside of this 3D world. You are human, YES, but you are also multifaceted and are full of unlimited potential. You can have anything that you want if you believe that to be true, because you see, what you believe to be true for you and the world, is what you will experience as true for you in your world.

We are each a part of a greater whole having an experience that we are creating moment by moment. This is why our thoughts are so important and learning to work with energy is a valuable tool in manouvering through life. When we understand energy, we understand that we can and do fluctuate in our energetic vibration, and can easily raise our vibration in an instance in order to resonate with higher level experiences.

So, back to Psychic Abilities - As I mentioned, if you are feeling excited, curious or pulled in the direction of wanting to activate your psychic senses, of which there are many, then that is a sign and listening to the signs you receive are the way you move forward on your spiritual journey. Trust is a key factor! Activating your Psychic Abilities is not just about opening your 3rd Eye; in fact I don't recommend you jump straight into that until you have worked on your lower Chakras and started to do some healing. We all have healing to do, even when we don't think we do and are trying convince ourselves that we are perfectly fine. If you think about where you are now on your journey then go back to your birth into this world, there will surely be something that has happened that has caused you some discomfort at the very least. Most of us have experienced the loss of a loved one, or have experienced a relationship break up, maybe an illness or be the child of divorced parents. Whatever the scenario, there is energy that stays with us, beliefs and patterns that have carried over from those experiences, from our environment, our peers, parents and relatives, teachers and so on. If we were to jump straight in and without doing anything else open our third eye, we might be shown that trauma in some way; any lack of self worth or fear of any kind. I don't recommend that! There is darkness to bring to light before then. Start slow and work on yourself often - This is a life long journey so there is no rush, though if you're anything like me you will feel the urge to get so much done, be drawn in so many directions and all I can say is if you have looked into Human Design I am a Manifesting Generator 2/4 with lots to do. Learning about the Chakra System will serve you well and a great place to start. You will benefit from starting at the Root or Base Chakra in order to ground yourself here into the Earth in this reality while you start to traverse the higher realms. Don't worry, it doesn't mean you won't be able to access higher consciousness, but what it does mean is that the guidance you receive will be brought back and used in the best way for you. If you stay up in the quantum too long, you will be doing yourself a disservice and not really living your human existence which is what you are here for at this time.

To activate your Psychic Abilities I recommend Meditation, Energy Healing and spending time in nature. If you feel drawn, Crystals and Oracle Cards are great tools to start working with and are a fun way to tap into your intuition and start connecting with your Spirit Guides. Maybe your modality of choice is Astroglogy or Numerology or Light Language? It is my belief that our Spirit Guides are facets of who we are as we are living out parallel lives simultaneously, so we may be connecting with out future selves, past selves, parallel selves. Remember that nothing is really ever truly outside of us, and Spirit Guides are no exception. We have our own universe within us. This is of course my belief system and it is important to trust what feels true for you. I also believe that there are no limits as to what and who our guides can be, so an example of that would be having animal guides, galactic guides, angelics, and so on. You will find many conflicting viewpoints on all of this, so trust in your intuition to guide you.

Your intuition is natural and everyone is intuitive. We are sentient beings who feel, see, hear, smell and 'just know' things. It hasn't been encouraged through our school system and if anything, has been viewed as something 'woo' or fake, but if we are to step into awakening our intuitive selves more then we have to let that go and release the need to worry about what anyone else thinks about us. You might even feel like you are going a bit crazy sometimes as you move through the process of stepping into your psychic abilities, but that is mostly because it's something that feels new and very different. We have been taught to trust the facts, trust the science, do what your teachers tell you to do, listen to the Government because they know best and care about us, but actually, err no.

We need to listen to ourselves and trust the nudges of our soul to guide us to where we are going to reach our highest potential, as an individual and collectively.

If you are someone who has always followed the crowd then this is going to be a new direction for you and I know you can do it. It doesn't mean you don't have friends to support you, or family members as part of your journey, but it means that you have all the answers and don't need to be told what to do from here on out. Listen to other perspectives, read books, take classes and know that working with teachers, coaches and mentors holds so much value, however, remember to trust what feels true for you and don't get lost in the ideology of another person. No one is better than you or above you. There is no heirachy and no one is more advanced than anyone else. We are each evolving in our own way in our own time. Release your attachment to the energy of lack because you are good enough and you can have everything that you desire whether that be spiritual knowledge or an abundance of wealth. Nothing is out of reach!

  • To start your journey of activating your psychic abilities I would recommend buying yourself a journal that is brand new and for the purpose of recording your experiences.

  • Next! Write down your reason for wanting to activate your psychic abilities. eg. Do you feel it will help you in your own life in making decisions, to help others or do you want to access the higher realms? There is no wrong answer here, but your reason is important. Activating your Psychic abilities will help you in your life and will certainly help others if you decide to work with clients down the track and to be of service to humanity. It should never be to impress anyone, to show off or to boost your ego. You have nothing to prove to anyone and in fact it may hinder your abilities if that is the path you choose to take. Psychic abilties, just as healing abilities are for the greater good and to empower each of us to awaken what might be laying dormant within us. We have used our intuitive gifts many times before in other lifetimes so once awakened you will know what feels most natural and where you feel most drawn.

  • Next! Make a space in your home, even if it is just a corner in a room where you can sit and meditate, journal, breathe, create and this is your special place that is designated just for you to work on your spiritual practices. If you love crystals, place some crystals there, or if you love flowers, have a vase with flowers, or place a candle or incense burner and make it feel exactly the way you want it to. You can look into feng shui and the placement of certain items in the room to enhance the experience and to create an abundant energy, or just design it the way that you like. If you don't have a space, use a shelf inside a cupboard to place your items and make that your sacred space where you can access your crystals, oracle cards, oils etc that you may like to add to your spiritual practices. Having a space like this really helps to keep you focused on being mindful; in the moment, and I don't recommend meditating in your bedroom if you can help it as it does change the energy of the room and it can disrupt your sleep pattern.

Start slow, working your way from your base chakra to your crown, using guided chakra meditations or tuning into each chakra as you meditate, spinning and awakening them so that you come into balance in Mind, Body & Spirit. Spend time in nature and connect with the plants, flowers, ocean, rivers, creeks, lakes, trees and animals. Insects are messengers bringing you signs and confirmation from your guides, angels and star family.

Know you are never alone on this spiralling journey of awakening to all that you are and if you would like to learn more about activating your psychic abilities checkout Awaken your Inner Mystic Here.

Keep going, keep grounding and live life moment by moment and ride the wave!

Narelle X

FB: @narellemonteleone8888

INSTA: @narelle_monteleone

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