Our products are created with intention and high vibrational energies to activate you and your space through incorporating the energy of Mother Earth and the Cosmos and using products that are sourced ethically to ensure you receive healing, relaxation and activation that is natural, that is pure and that does not include any harmful ingredients. Through using these products it is my hope that you are reminded that taking time to relax, to breathe and to follow your joy is necessary in order to remain in balance and harmony.
Working with Reiki, Seichim & Light Codes, our products are infused with high vibe frequency for Healing and Transformation.
We stock Flower Essences, Botanicals, Aura Sprays, Crystals and Candles along with Ebooks, Oracle Card Decks (Coming Soon) and Herbal Smudge.
Follow our Earthly Energies Social Media Pages - @earthly_energies